Hubby comes home bearing gifts💗

It’s my lucky night! Precious hubby has been abroad for a week, working. He came home with gifts for the family 😍

Can you spot the goods!?


The kids are getting a Lalaloopsy Baby each and they will love them! So cute!


Happy girls 😘💗 thank you honey 💗


I want to be a Lemon Dropper!


One of my dear friends online – Sarah, has opened up a world of precious drops of Essential Oils to me. Young Living is a wonderful company that brings us premium quality EO’s with Seed to Seal® process, ensuring the purity of each essential oil. Sarah helped me get my very own Premium Starter Kit that includes the Home Diffuser (Not currently available in the European Starter Kits.) I now have a good start to my plan to re-vamp our family’s medicine cabinet. These oils seem to be little miracles in a bottle – and knowing they are pure and all nature, really made up my mind to go for it. Ive read countless testimonials and also feel the little experience we have already it shows it does work! My new “med-cab” now includes


The reason I went through Sarah to get my Starter Kit is the Home Diffuser. The home diffuser combines a humidifier, air purifier, atomizer, and aromatherapy diffuser into one product that safely releases essential oils into the air to eliminate odors and create a spa-like atmosphere in the home. Aahh.. Home spa – whats not to like!?

c87a9e3bfef934de59fcefe5fdeebdbaWe have been using the “Breath Easy” roll on this past winter and I feel It has helped allot during colds and sinus infections. Next cold season I’ll be ready with our own chest rub too and off course – the diffuser!

I’ll be updating the blog with our experiences along the way!

If you want to learn more about EO’s, please visit Young Living‘s beautiful website or drop by the Lemon Drop Lounge for an inspirational experience!

Keep Healthy!



New Year – New Beginning…?

… not really 😉

Its really just a continuance right?… I have been totally off blogging for a while now. I’ve just struggled to find inspiration, positives, energy and time… Well, we are heading towards lighter days – with sunlight comes Spring and hopefully some positive energy!

Most in my life is the same as before – yet still, not the same at all. I actually have a darling 2 year old now – TWO!! – and my oldest love will be 5 in a week – FIVE YEARS.. It’s really unbelievable! Where did all those years go, what happened? I get it – life… LIFE happened right there, in front of my flat, fat, face.

I’m not sure how I feel about it – whether to laugh or cry – laugh for having made it this far, for being blessed with two gorgeous little girls, for still being married to my love and best friend – Cry for still being sick. For what this illness is making me miss out on and what it makes my children and husband have to adjust to…

M.E – Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is the invisible illness that rules my life. It has taken me, beaten me to a pulp and spat me out.. Leaving me feeling like I was run over by a bulldozer and in a everlasting flu – leaving me empty, in pain, degraded and full of shame… Ashamed of being sick… To not being able to work and provide my share of expenses. To have to grovel for my means of living. I feel like an outsider most of the time, having to turn down invitations to any social gathering. Made to pass on most activities outside of the home.

How do I make people understand that the few hours of socializing incl. the prep time ect. can take me weeks to recover from – Its so hard to explain without feeling like a lazy moron. Cus “normal, healthy” people can’t… I’ve been there. It hits me hard to admit I was once one of those people who just could not grasp the reality of this SO REAL, SO DEVASTATING ILLNESS.

You might think .” Oh but I saw you the other day, smiling, laughing, talking cheerfully away….” – Yes!!! You got to see me on a day where I fought a battle! A good day, a day I needed to do something for my children or to keep my social sanity.  You don’t get to see the bad or the worst, because I won’t be out. I’ll be home in our bed, or on our couch recovering – or trying to recover, before another battle is fought for my children, for my way of life.

Its only the handful few AMAZING friends that get it and still keeps coming back – understanding that I am not turning THEM down. It kills me that I’m not able to return invites either. That just the few hours of a small dinner party or visit is like climbing a mountain without the adrenaline rush of accomplishment and getting to put down ones flag at the peak, or like giving birth without the wonderful  bundle of love handed to ones chest at the finish line) Its such a huge task for me to overcome that It very rarely happens anymore.

The thing is, I have my kids. Small beautiful kids. They need their mama. They need their mama always. I have to prioritize them before ANYTHING else in my life and to be honest, it does not leave much of me for others. Cus at the end of the day, I still need to be their mama after the guests has gone – I cant just lay down and sleep for a week like I feel like I need to. Then we are back round, full circle to the constant feeling of shame and being inadequate. I did not choose this – I did not choose to not live a full life – I did not choose to have M.E! I’d trade this for a full time job in a heartbeat! If you believe otherwise, I’d be happy to lend you my shoes for a day – I bet my life on you changing your mind. Other then that I would not wish this on any soul…

If you want to try to understand me and M.E, please watch the video below for a good intro. I will put links under if you want even more facts – both in English and Norwegian – Thank you for caring!

Video by sleepydust.net






Keep safe,



A new era has begun!

My little Bun started daycare this week as the new school year rolled on. It will be so much fun for little Bun – as she is such a social little being! Also the playtime and pedagogical frame at daycare with kids her own age will be such a treat! We adore our local daycare center which has a phenomenal staff and outdoor play area. (One of the things I love about the Norwegian culture, is the love for nature and physical stimulation.

We now have two girls in daycare – and momma got some time to start sorting the house out!



Missing Teddy ♥

For about 6 months now the idea to letting Teddy go has popped up in our minds now and then. He showed more and more signes of deterioration and it was scaring us. We knew we would have to make the decision in good time before we left for Toronto, but it was so tough. I was dreading it so much and just thinking bout it made me sick of grief.

In the end our minds were made up and we could not postpone the inevitable any more. We brought him to the vet who tragically had to agree with us and also said – its time..

So our goregeous, beloved Teddy (Leionetts Voila Le Cognac) went to sleep on my lap to start his journey over the Rainbow Bridge the 14th June 2012.

Cayla has talked bout Teddy allot since then and a couple weeks ago she went looking for Teddy in heaven to give him a kiss…  I wanted to keep the memories of that day and brought my camera along. Even though some of the pics are sad – they are to me incredibly beautiful and shows just how much love a 3 year old has in her heart for her dog.

She decides that Heaven is too big, and that he will have to just get a blow kiss ♥

Play nice Teddy! Bring our love to all your friends up there

Love you ♥ miss you